مقالات  دكتر ابراهيم شفيعي  

  :Relapse Coping Strategies in Young Adults Addict: A Quantitative Study in Iran Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine Vol 38 Issue 1 Jan-Feb 2016 pub med Ebrahim Shafiei, Agha Fatemeh Hoseini1, Farnaz Parsaeian2, Ali Heidarinejad3, Mohammad Azmal3 نفر اول
Cognitive-behavioral coping approach is known as an effective strategy to preventing relapse. Its goal is to forget incompatible behaviors and replaces them with the compatible answers. Objectives: This study examines relapse coping strategies in young adults in selected substance abuse treatment centers in Iran. Patients and Methods: The present is a descriptive cross-sectional study. The sample consisted of 70 self-referred young addicts (18-24 years). Adolescence Relapse Coping Questionnaire was used to assess relapse coping strategies. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze the data. Results: The findings revealed that 71.2% have experienced a relapse totally. It was hard to control the hypothetical high risk situation and they greatly wanted to use the substance (mean 7.39 of 10). Addicts have used of all three coping skills in “definitely would do” level. Conclusion: Enhancing self-efficacy through training coping skills, especially abstinence - focused coping skills to react properly in high risk situation can be useful

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  Preconditioningeffect of sevoflurane in patient with coronary artreybypass surgery 4th Iranian cardiovascular joint congress, Tehran, Iran,1-4 March 2016 ANVARYPOOR, SHAHRIARI, SHAFIEI, REZAEI سوم از چهارم
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