مقالات  دكتر علي اكبر خنسير  

  Syntactic Errors in English Committed by Indian Undergraduate Students Language in India 2008 پژوهشی خودم

  Place of Error Analysis in Language Teaching INDIAN LINGUSTICS, 2012
دریافت فایل پیوست

  Error Analysis and Second Language Acquisition Theory and Practice in Language Studies 2012

  Teaching Poetry in the ELT Classroom International Review of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2012

  The Role of Process and Product Approaches to the Teaching of Writing. Language in India 2012

  Aspects of Language Communication: Discourse and Text INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION 2012


  Error Analysis and Second Language Writing Theory and Practice in Language Studies 2013

  Applied Linguistics and English Language Teaching Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 2013

  The Effect of Question- Generation Strategy on Iranian EFL Learners’Reading Comprehension Development English Language Teaching 2014 اول از دو نفر

  Teaching English is Art and English Teacher is Artist. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education 2014

  Teaching English is Art and English Teacher is Artist International Journal of Social Sciences and Education 2014

  THE PLACE OF HYPOTHESES OF KRASHEN IN LANGUAGE TEACHING. International Journal of language learning and Applied Linguistics World 2014

  Place of Lingustics in English Langauge Teaching. Arab World English Journal Arab World English Journal 2016 اول از دو نفر

  Study of Errors and English Language Teaching: A Systematic Review The Journal of Social Sciences Research 2018 Ali Akbar Khansir, Farhad Pakdel اول از دو نفر
This systematic review paper investigates a study of errors and English language teaching. This paper employed the systematic review approach and focuses on paragraph and essay writing errors in EFL setting. In general, in the history of English language teaching, place of error analysis is always considered as one of the major topics among syllabus designers, language teachers and linguists in order to help English language learners achieve greater fluency in their language. In general, in language classroom, error analysis has been used as a scientific work in order to get information about language learners' errors and resolve their problems in getting knowledge of language. In the history of applied linguistics, there have been two kinds of approaches are related to language errors, namely, contrastive and error approaches. However, research on both of them came back the work of Fries (1945) and Lado (1957) and Corder (1967). Contrastive analysis focuses on pedagogical orientation, input, practice and inductive learning, whereas error analysis focuses on scientific orientation, linguistic and cognitive processes. However, this paper analyzes the previous studies on paragraph and essay writing errors in English language which were published from 2000 to 2017. In addition, of 200 articles were studied in this process, 49 of the articles were relevant. Keywords: Error analysis; Contrastive analysis; EFL learners; English language teaching and learning; English as foreign language and second language.

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